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C.h.i.p. SALSA Dip

a PWM, MOSFET / Motordriver board to extend the C.H.I.P.

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This github page is about the SALSA DIP for the C.H.I.P. (a $9 computer developed by NTC). The C.H.I.P. is a great board, a tiny linux computer that fits on your palm. But it is in the nature of non-realtime OS that certain functionalities are not available. This is where the SALSA kicks in. It provides a co-processor extension for the C.H.I.P. that is able to run realtime code and offers multiple hardware functionalities which are not available on the C.H.I.P. itself. The SALSA features a Atmel ATmega 328p-au as used on various other tinker board (e.g. the Arduino).



The SALSA II can be assembled with a L293DD motordriver instead of the PWM N-Mosfet. The real neat part is that is can use the PWM channels to drive real smooth curves.

This transforms the SALSA into a really easy to use robot driving DIP.

Physical connection

How to install the software

How to use salsa within the arduino IDE

Without arduino

It is possible to use C.H.I.P.s GPIO/UART pins to programm the SALSA. This is a five step process: Now just use the arduino IDE and flash your firmware :)
Remember: You have to repeat step 5 after every reboot!

Support or Contact

Please post questions about the SALSA in the NTC forum at