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Chip queso

CHIP usb hub as DIP

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This github page is about the QUESO DIP for the C.H.I.P. (a $9 computer developed by NTC). The C.H.I.P. is a great board, a tiny linux computer that fits on your palm. It has one USB outlet and requires a pretty stable 5V supply that can deliver up to 1.1A. The QUESO attacks theses two drawbacks: It is a hyper active 4-port-USB-HUB. Instead of a passive hub (that sucks current from the CHIP) or an active hub (that has his own, second power supply) the Queso will be hyper-active(TM) and provide power TO the C.H.I.P.


Support or Contact

Please post questions about the QUESO in the NTC forum at